Cardiologist in Nashik - Dr. Sudhir S. Shetker
Dr. Sudhir S Shetkar Cardiologist in Nashik started his medical carrier from Grant Medical College and Sir J.J. Group of Hospitals, Mumbai in the year 1998. Distinguished faculty at GMC as well as the patients imparted a keen interest in him for the medical profession, which culminated in his graduation from GMC in the year 2004 with five distinctions. Thereafter he did his specialization in Internal Medicine from Saurashtra University, Gujarat. Dr. Shetkar Cardiologist in Nashik joined All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi as a fellow in the department of cardiology and passed as a cardiologist in Dec 2012. During his stint at AIIMS, he got trained in the whole spectrum of cardiology ranging from clinical cardiology to pediatric cardiology, non-invasive cardiology, electrophysiology, and interventional cardiology. Availability of world-class facility for clinical research, high patient volume and added with high clinical acumen of eminent cardiologists, some of whom are the best in India for their respective specialties, groomed him as an all-round cardiologist. He primarily focused on coronary interventions(angioplasty, IVUS, FFR, and OCT), structural heart disease interventions (Device closures and balloon dilations), device therapy of conduction disorders (permanent pacemaker, Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator, Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy), and heart failure management.
He has to his credit numerous research publications in national/international peer-reviewed journals. He has also presented his research in various national and international conferences, which includes the prestigious European Society of Cardiology (ESC) congress. He was the winner of national level Torrent Young Scholar Award (TYSA) cardiology in the year 2012.
Dr. Sudhir S Shetkar Cardiologist in Nashik joined Apollo Hospitals, Nashik as a founder consultant cardiologist in 2014 and has been instrumental in establishing a state of the art cardiology department. He is practicing non-invasive cardiology (Trans-thoracic echocardiography, Trans-oesophageal echocardiology, Treadmill stress test, Stress Echo, Holter recording), interventional cardiology (Trans-radial angiography, angioplasty, device closures and pacemaker/AICD implantations) and comprehensive heart failure clinic at Apollo Hospitals.

Dr. Sudhir S. Shetkar
Consultant Interventional and Clinical Cardiologist
Key Skills
- Research Papers -
- Shetkar SS, Ramakrishnan S, Seth S, Chandna P, Verma SK, Bhargava B, Bahl VK. CYP 450 2C19 polymorphisms in Indian patients with coronary artery disease. Indian Heart J. 2014 Jan-Feb;66(1):16-24.
- Shetkar SS, Doshi SR, Seth S. Vanishing pulmonary oedema, a visual delight! Eur Heart J. 2014 Feb;35(7):454.
- Gupta SK, Shetkar SS, Ramakrishnan S, Kothari SS. Saline Contrast Echocardiography in the Era of Multimodality Imaging-Importance of “Bubbling It Right”. Echocardiography. 2015 Aug 7. doi: 10.1111/echo.13035. Echocardiography. 2015 Nov;32(11):1707-19.
- Shetkar SS, Parakh N, Singh B, Mishra NK, Ray R, Karthikeyan G, Yadav R, Goswami KC. Cardio-embolic stroke due to valve tissue embolization during percutaneous transseptal mitral commissurotomy (PTMC). Indian Heart J. 2014 Sep-Oct;66(5):546-9.
- Shetkar SS, Kothari SS. Intermittent’ restrictive ventricular septal defect in Tetralogy of Fallot. Ann Pediatr Cardiol. 2015 Jan-Apr;8(1):80-1.
- Shetkar SS, Kothari SS. Double-outlet left atrium: Ventriculo-atrial malalignment defect. Ann Pediatr Cardiol. 2013 Jul;6(2):158-61.
- Shetkar SS, Gupta SK, Gulati GS, Juneja R. Right superior vena cava to left atrium: importance of “bubbling it right”. 2014 May;31(5):E161-2.
- Shetkar SS, Ramakrishnan S. ST elevation in neurogenically stunned myocardium. Heart Asia. 2013;5(1):226-227.
- Sharma G, Shetkar SS, Patel CD, et al. Paced QRS duration predicts left ventricular function in patients with permanent pacemakers – One-year follow-up study using equilibrium radionuclide angiography (ERNA). Indian Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal. 2015;15(2):90-95.
- Thakran V, Ramakrishnan S, Verma SK, Shetkar S, Seth S, Bhargava B. Acute effects of chewing tobacco on coronary microcirculation and hemodynamics in habitual tobacco chewers. J Pract Cardiovasc Sci 2015;1:138-42
- Sharma G, Shetkar S, Bhasin A, Ramakrishnan L, Juneja R, Naik N, Roy A, Ramakrishnan S, Bhargava B, Bahl VK.High sensitive C-reactive protein and interleukin 6 in atrial fibrillation with rheumatic mitral stenosis from Indian cohort. Indian Heart J. 2017 Jul – Aug;69(4):505-511.
Abstracts :
- SS. Shetkar, G. Sharma, S. Singh, A. Roy, L. Ramakrishnan, V.K. Bahl. Wilkins score as predictor of atrial fibrillation in rheumatic mitral stenosis. European Heart Journal ( 2013 ) 34 ( Abstract Supplement ), 856.
- G. Sharma, SS. Shetkar, R. Lakshmy, R. Juneja, A. Saxena, V.K. Bahl. Comparison of inflammatory marker levels in atrial fibrillation and sinus rhythm in patients with chronic rheumatic mitral stenosis. European Heart Journal (2013) 34 (Abstract Supplement), 697.
- B.D. Singh, SS. Shetkar, S. Seth, G. Gulati, V.K. Iyer, R. Ray, I. Xess, S.S. Kothari, V.K. Bahl. Vanishing cardiac mass. European Heart Journal (2013) 34 (Abstract Supplement), 1124.
Book Chapter :
- Shetkar, Sudhir S., and Sandeep Singh. “Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitors.”Handbook of Lipidology(2016): 152.
- Academic Presentations -
- Oral presentation – “Vanishing cardiac mass !” presented at ESC Congress 2013 held in Amsterdam (Netherlands) in Aug-Sep 2013.
- Poster presentation.
- Wilkins score as predictor of atrial fibrillation in rheumatic mitral stenosis.
- Comparison of inflammatory marker levels in atrial fibrillation and sinus rhythm in patients with chronic rheumatic mitral stenosis. presented at ESC Congress 2013.
- Oral presentation – “Percutaneous Brock’s procedure. Exploring new horizons! ” presented at National Interventional Council (NIC) conference, April 2013, Kolkata.
- Poster presentation – “Transvenous Closure of a Large Aorto Pulmonary Collateral: a Novel Approach” presented at 14th Pediatric Cardiac Society of India Annual Conference, Oct 2012, Chennai.
- Poster presentation – “Prevalence of Pulmonary Hypertension among 6270 asymptomatic school children in India. The RHEUMATIC (Rheumatic Heart Echo Utilization and Monitoring Actuarial Trends in Indian Children) Study” presented at 14th Pediatric Cardiac Society of India Annual Conference, Oct 2012, Chennai.
- Oral presentation – “RVOTO ALCOHOL ABLATION: Lesson learnt from left.” presented at 14th Pediatric Cardiac Society of India Annual Conference, Oct 2012, Chennai.
- Oral presentation – “Double Outlet Left Atrium” presented at 14th Pediatric Cardiac Society of India Annual Conference, Oct 2012, Chennai.
- Oral presentation – “Percutaneous Transvenous Angioplasty of Superior Vena Cava Following Right Side Permanent Pacemaker Implantation – An unconventional technique using serial dilations “ presented in 65th annual conference of Cardiological society of India, Dec 2013, Bangalore.
- Membership and affiliations -

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